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Developing an OCaml project with Dune and Nix

In this tutorial, you will learn how to initialize an OCaml project that can be developed using dune.

Initialize a new project

  1. Make dune executable available:

    Terminal window
    nix shell nixpkgs#dune_3
  2. Scaffold a new project using dune:

    Terminal window
    dune init proj 'package_name' 'your-new-project'
  3. Enter the project directory:

    Terminal window
    cd 'your-new-project'

Add flake.nix to the project

  1. Initialize the template from the root directory of the project:

    Terminal window
    nix flake init github:akirak/flake-templates#ocaml
  2. Open flake.nix and set the pname and version of the package to be built, e.g.:

    default = ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage {
    pname = throw "Name your OCaml package";
    pname = "hello";
    version = throw "Version your OCaml package";
    version = "0.1";
    duneVersion = "3";
    src = self.outPath;
  3. The template includes a custom .envrc for OCaml. Allow direnv:

    Terminal window
    direnv allow


Once the Nix shell is enabled, you can use dune inside the project directory, as you would do in a normal OCaml project.

Adding OCaml dependencies

To add library dependencies to your OCaml project, follow this instruction. In this example, we will be adding cmdliner as a new dependency.

  1. Add the libraries to propagatedBuildInputs (or checkInputs if it's a test dependency) attribute to your package:

    default = ocamlPackages.buildDunePackage {
    src = self.outPath;
    propagatedBuildInputs = with ocamlPackages; [
  2. Add them to depends field of your package in the dune-project file:

    (name hello)
    (ocaml (>= 4.08.0))
    (dune (>= 3.16))
    (cmdliner (>= 1.3.0))
    (alcotest :with-test)))
  3. Also add them to libraries field of a suitable stanza in the relevant dune file.

    (public_name hello)
    (name hello)
    (libraries unix)
    (libraries unix cmdliner)

Generating documentation for the dependencies

To generate documentation of the dependencies, use odig.

  1. Run the following command to generate a documentation:

    odig odoc

    Or use a justfile recipe bundled in the template:

    Terminal window
    just odig-odoc
  2. To search through the documentation, you can run a local instance of sherlodoc or open a generated HTML file directly.

Running sherlodoc

To run sherlodoc, follow this instruction.

  1. Enable sherlodoc in the flake.nix:

    devShells = eachSystem (
    { pkgs, ocamlPackages, ... }:
    default = pkgs.mkShell {
    inputsFrom = [ self.packages.${pkgs.system}.default ];
    buildInputs = (
    with ocamlPackages;
    # (sherlodoc.override { enableServe = true; })
    (sherlodoc.override { enableServe = true; })
    # ++ lib.optional pkgs.stdenv.isLinux pkgs.inotify-tools
  2. Run sherlodoc index on *.odocl files. The template contains a justfile recipe, so you can just run:

    Terminal window
    just sherlodoc-index
  3. To browse the documentation, run:

    Terminal window
    sherlodoc serve


    Terminal window
    just sherlodoc-serve

For a detailed description, consult the documentation of sherlodoc.